terça-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2009

Backwardness has moved to Davos


By RS Urgente

Belem sees, in a very peculiar way, the atmosphere that Porto Alegre met in 2001, when received for the first time the World Social Forum. There are, for sure, important differences. One of them is not a detail: the world has changed. When WSF was born, as a counterpoint to the World Economic Forum in Davos, globalization still used to be sung in prose and verse, and its critics, rated as anachronistic, enemies of technology and fools. At the time, the then Brazilian president Fernando Henrique Cardoso even wrote an article calling luddites the organizers and participants of the Forum (referring to the English workers’ movement in early nineteenth century, which used to destroy the machinery for fear losing their jobs for them).

sábado, 24 de janeiro de 2009

Brazilian ambassador says that social area should be the new cooperation front between Brazil and USA

I was there!!
Image by bandita via Flickr

Mylena Fiori
Repórter da Agência Brasil

Brasilia – Social area should be one of the new cooperation fronts between Brazil and USA during Barack Obama government. The expectation is due to the history of Condoleezza Rice’s substitute to the position of  North American State Secretary, ex-first lady Hillary Clinton.

quarta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2009

Perfil de Protógenes Queiroz

Fonte: Wikipedia

“Protógenes Queiroz é delegado da Polícia Federal. Foi quem efetuou a prisão de Paulo Maluf, do contrabandista Law Kin Chong, de Daniel Dantas (banqueiro), de Naji Nahas e do ex-prefeito de São Paulo Celso Pitta.

Estiveram sob sua coordenação, em parceria com a Promotoria de São Paulo as investigações do caso Corinthians/MSI , por evasão de divisas e lavagem de dinheiro. Os envolvidos nas fraudes da arbitragem do futebol Brasileiro, em 2005, foram investigados por ele e pelos promotores Roberto Porto e José Reinaldo Guimarães Carneiro, do Gaeco.

terça-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2009

The President of Mercosul Parliament upholds commercial sanctions against Israel

Naomi Klein
Image via Wikipedia

Agência Brasil de Fato 01/16/2009
Fernando César Oliveira

The Member of Brazilian Parliament Dr. Rosinha (Workers’ Party), president of Mercosul Parliament, upheld this Thursday the adoption of commercial sanctions against Israel on the part of international community on account of the military attacks against Palestinians in Gaza Strip.

Since last December 27th, within nearly three weeks of attacks, the Israeli army have already killed more than one thousand Palestinians, and hurt approximately another 4 thousand. According to medical sources, at least 40% of the dead are civilians.

domingo, 18 de janeiro de 2009

Bolivia cut diplomatic ties with Israel

Evo Morales et José Bové in Pau on 2002 during...
Image via Wikipedia

According to Evo Morales, the crimes carried out by Israel affect world peace and stability, and bring back to remembrance lese humanity crimes made during the Second World War.

Agência Brasil de Fato 01/15/2009

by Michelle Amaral da Silva (Adital)

After Venezuelan Government cut diplomatic ties with Israel last week, Bolivia announced today (14) the rupture of relations with that country, for the same reason: the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza Strip. Israeli offensive has already killed about one thousand Palestinians, and let at least 4,500 wounded. The UN general-secretary, Ban Ki-moon, asked today, in a press conference held in Egypt, for the immediate end of Israeli’s attacks to the Palestinian territory.

sexta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2009

Brazil Starts in February Enriched Uranium Production in Industrial Scale

The Municipality of São Sebastião do Rio de Ja...
Image via Wikipedia

Agencia Brasil

January 13, 2008

Brasilia - The state owned company Nuclear Industries of Brazil (INB) is going to produce enriched uranium in Resende, in the southwest of the state of Rio de Janeiro, as from next month. Until the end of year, production might reach 12 tons of the raw material of the fuel used in nuclear power plants. INB expectation is to produce, till 2012, all enriched uranium used in the nuclear power plant of Angra I and 20% of the fuel for Angra II.